Saturday, March 10, 2012

Design Tips to HelpYou Sell Your Home by:
Ryan is a guest post writer on the subjects of homerenovation and real estate trends. She is currently working on projects thatinvolve homesfor sale Austin TX, Barton Creek homes for sale, and gardenwindow prices. 

The interior design of a home is essential when you aretrying to sell it. Your house can be the best in a particular neighborhood interms of layout and external appearance. However, if the interior design ofyour home is lacking, prospective buyers will probably be much less likely totake interest. If you are getting your house ready to go on the market, it’sessential that you take some time to make the inside of your home look asappealing as possible. Clearing out the clutter and cleaning is just thebeginning of what you should do to prepare your home forprospective homebuyers to view. Here are a few simple design tips to help yousell your house faster and for a greater profit:

One of the biggest interior design trends right now is theincorporation of natural elements into a home. Plants, walls that are paintedearth tone colors, and bamboo furniture is in. Think about adding naturaltouches to your home. It will make your house’s overall design seem morecontemporary, and the elements of nature will add a subtle vibrancy to yourhome that will be appealing to many prospective homebuyers. 

Consider purchasing some attractive sheer curtains andopening or removing the window blinds or shutters. Those florescent bulbs mayhelp you save energy, but they won’t help you sell your house. Your house looksbest when it is illuminated by natural light from outside. So, make the most ofyour windows, and switch to regular, old-fashioned light bulbs while your houseis open to the public. An increased amount of natural light will make yourhouse seem more open, inviting, and comfortable. 

 So, spend some time paying attention to design detailsbefore you start showing your house to potential buyers. Some simple additionscan make a huge difference!

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