One of the best parts of prepping forBaby is designing that special place that he or she can call her own – the nursery. With all thetime you’ll be spending in there together, you want it to be warm, inviting andfun.
Creating the nursery should be fun, so don’t add anyunnecessary stress. Your baby will never know the difference if she’s living ina room with four solid colored walls or a room with a one-of-a-kind mural.
Choose paint hues and bedding that are neutral like white,pale yellow or cream, then if you choose you can always add gender specificcolors later. Pinks look fantastic with any of the aforementioned shades, as dovarious blues, so you can add on accents with curtains, rugs and otheradornments later.
If you’re working with a smaller room, don’t go crazy withlots of furniture. The three key pieces for any baby room are a crib, a dresserwith a changing table topper and some sort of rocker or comfy chair where youcan lull your infant to sleep.
Make the room more baby-friendly by adding softtouches – literally. If your home has hardwood floors, consider investingin an area rug where your little cutie can lay, roll around or play in comfort.
You'll be spending a lot of time in the nursery (sometimes inthe middle of the night) so make sure it's soothing, stimulating, happy, andorganized.
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