"Simplicityis the ultimate sophistication"
Steve Jobs
sophisticated [səˈfɪstɪˌkeɪtɪd]
1. having refined orcultured tastes and habits
2. appealing tosophisticates
3. unduly refined or cultured
The key to any successful interior design project is knowingwhere you want to end up before you start out. So, make sure that your interiordesign plan matches your tastes and ultimately your personality.
There is nothing worse than getting to the end of aninterior
design project and realizing that it is not the style youwanted. (Refer to my previous posts on specifics such as color, harmony andbalance).
The trades say that the current look in contemporary is:sleek, glamorous and sophisticated. That means, if you want a contemporarysophisticated style, you should trade in those overstuffed upholsteredpieces for sleek, streamlined furnishings. In your living room, the couchin particular will often become the focal point, so if you want a sophisticatedlook, invest in a couch with clean lines and simple upholstery.
The same ruleapplies in the bedroom, a sophisticated room is not a fussy room.
Sophisticated colors tend to be richer and deeper. Thatdoesn’t mean they have to be dark, they can be neutral or white. Ofcourse, for a more calming effect, try a monochromatic color scheme, differentshades of one color for a modern look. Gray is one of the hottestneutrals around right now, and it’s perfect for modern sophistication. (Referto my previous posts on neutrals, monochromatics and living in white).
I personally believe “less is more” and as Steve Jobsstated, ‘simplicity is the ultimate sophistication’. So, it’s all about your personal taste and style.
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