A wall is a solid structure thatdefines and protects an area as well as creating privacy. Most commonly, a wall delineates a building andsupports its superstructure. And most important a wall can determine the styleor design of a room. It can be painted, wallpapered, or paneled. Whatever youdecide to do, your walls should transform your room to create an interior thatis balanced, sophisticated and liveable.
First you want to stepback and think about the overall design you want to portray for whichever roomyou are painting or wallpapering. Your walls can determine the overallfeel of your room and influence the moods of its occupants. (refer to myprevious post: Colors Have a Personality of Their Own).
No matter what medium you use, always ask yourself, “can I live with this color everyday?”
A fresh coat of paint is the easiest wayto make a change at home but choosing a color palette can be daunting and, attimes, confusing.
It's nosecret that color can either make or break a design.
When the color's right, it can: enhance feelings of healthand wellbeing, make your space feel warmer or cooler, or make your space feellarger or cozier. From calming taupe to dramatic contrast combinations,keep in mind neutral colors enhance any room's style. Neutrals, whiteS andpastels will help make your room feel more spacious, while darker colors willfeel warmer and should be used in larger spaces.
Give emphasisto a neutral room by adding a few smart hits of color.
Accent walls can be a powerfuldesign choice in your home. They break up the traditional look of having fourwalls that are painted the same color. They draw your eye to a particular partof the room. And they give you a chance to play around with color in your housein a new way.
A brightly-colored wall shouldonly be added to a room where the other three walls are white or neutral. Or,you can also use a darker shade in the same color family (as the lighter otherwalls) to pull attention to one wall or area. (refer to my previous post:Welcome Pops of Color).
Instead of adding artwork to your wall adddecorative molding for an updated look.
You can also use wallpaper for either texture oron one wall to replace art work (especially if you are on a budget).
Always remember: “less is more”.
Textured solid wallpaper. |
Textured neutral wallpaper behind bed coordinates with painted walls. |
Fabulous molding with dark slate colored walls. |
A wooden wall, needn't be old fashioned paneling. |
Just some cool ideas:
White with a pop of bold color.
Textured wallpaper in white painted walls. |
Textured wallpaper as a backdrop on one wall. |
Country kitchen mixes white with blue. |
VISIT MY FACEBOOK PAGE FOR MORE IDEAS:https://www.facebook.com/pages/DesignSense/231561176902564
OR CONTACT ME FOR A FREE CONSULTATION: andrea.halleywright@gmail.com
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