Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Bedrooms should be a placewhere you linger and relax. Besides a soft spot to lay your head, a bedroomneeds to keep you coming back for more. Tocreate calm in the bedroom, free it of clutter, not just the floor, but thewalls too. Apply a "less is more" approach to the room. 

Lighting isimportant in the bedroom. Natural sunlight is amazing during the day, butdimmed mood lighting is essential at night

 and you always need task lightingfor reading a good book or just playing with your ipad. (refer to my post onlighting)

Keep in mindthat a peaceful bedroom embraces minimalism.

Here are a few more keyelements that seem to be a common thread for turning your bedroom into a sacredspace.

Paint your bedroom inyour favorite color.
Waking up to a color you love is theperfect way to start your day, or keep it neutral and use your favorite color as anaccent. (refer to my previous post on paint colors)

 Use one fabric, but useit everywhere and make sure it matches your paint color.
Many people find it difficult to coordinatedifferent fabric patterns successfully.
In fact, many bedroom design ideas become too busywith mixes of plaids and florals. Neutral is always safe, and again you can addcolor with your accessories or accents.

Privacy is an asset inyour bedroom, so, make sure your bedroom design ideas includewindow treatments that cover your windows at night. This will also close theroom in and add coziness. (refer to my post on window treatments)

Lighting can enhance your bedroom farmore than you may realize. Natural sunlight is amazing during theday, and task lighting is very important, but dimmed mood lighting is essential at night. Toreally create a bedroom that is glowing, soft and peaceful, you need moodlighting. Replacing your switch with a dimmer switch isn't too difficult orexpensive.
(refer to my post on lighting)

A sturdybedside tabletop is another key element. Having a place to rest your glass ofwater and/or favorite book is key to your overall comfort and relaxationI  And if you have a bedside lamp, be sureit’s big enough for all three.

If you have hardwood orstone floors, think about an area rug. The right rug can give you a tiny footmassage before stepping into bed. (refer to my post on area rugs and the post on flooring)

Just a thought...picking the right scent foryour bedroom is a matter of taste, but hands down the most popular essentialoil for relaxation is Lavender. Dab a little lavendar oil directly on yourpillow for a restful night’s sleep. 

or contact me for a free consultation.


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