Hudson supermarket

Wednesday, February 15, 2012
There is a supermarket in Hudson, NY, the sort I would not mind buying the daily needed things...Well, alright, it's not your average market for milk, butter and bread.
There are other yummy things, such as vintage pieces, furniture, old, really old and modern.
I love to browse there, finding so many things I would carry home or to share with you!
I love glass, and the way light plays with it, so here are some adorable pieces:

Beautiful blue & green vessels.

Light streams through a slotted shelf,

Creating a shadow play

Hard to ignore!

Walpole School of Art sign


And classic china!

And then I found a small diary, written in 1903 by a Milo Nellis, a tiny, tidily written account of sums paid and received! But so old and neat!

He might have been a farmer and he pays a certain Leila $3.55, this entry repeats every week. Maybe the girl to keep his home? Who was he?
He has had a wagon wheel repaired for $2.50...
There are entries on payments to different people, contacts to seed companies and dealers.
It says on the front page:

 Milo Nellis
 Railway postal blank (?)
 St.Johnsville, NY

And a small cut-out image of a Ginseng plant is glued to the page! Who would take the effort to do this, but a farmer? Or perhaps a plant lover? Exotic ginseng?
Or was he at the railway? Would be interesting to know!

Another link to the past! Now the small booklet sits on my desk, not too far from where it originally came from!
Reminding me how 'things' survive us! A memento mori of sorts!

All images byV.Zlotkowski


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